The Look to Lincoln Disclaimer – It is NOT appropriate to take any quotation that Lincoln made during his life and assert that it would necessarily be his position on complex, modern issues which his world never faced. However, certain elements of his simplicity, morality, logic and instinct are timeless. All of his words are useful to supply perspective and prompt dialogue on the various topics offered. In this way, we can “Look to Lincoln,” even in this day when his wisdom and wording are remarkably insightful on the issues facing America.
A Footnote on the Footnotes – All of the cited words or described acts are accurately attributed to Lincoln within the source noted. All quotations are taken from much longer speeches or writings. Even so, as best able, the original context has been preserved. The selected quotes may not be Lincoln’s every comment or only “position” on a given topic, as over 33 years of public life some of his views and sentiments evolved. Rarely, however, did he say anything truly inconsistent.
As to the Arrangement of the Modern Issue Captions – The responsibility of selecting and presenting a particular Lincoln-era quotation as applicable to the twenty first century issue described above it by the various topic headings is borne solely by the Idaho Lincoln Institute.